Friday, October 17, 2014

The experience of playing model aircraft

I am the Son of Heaven 30 oil machine to start, like all novice alike, eager to fly their love machine up, like all newcomers, like the first flight bombing. See mold faithful casual ease to fly, share their own, the joy, deeply envious, and then look at their bad technique, dismember the big paddle, once lost confidence, only mentioning machine go home, secretly trouble . After the experience of this forum to seriously study the theoretical knowledge and the vast majority of the Friends of Mount decided to stop and take practice simulator, after the first virtual reality. Practice the process is a learning process, just like a student learning the same lessons, theory and practice, repeated practice, and finally work pays off, now finally stepped into the threshold of model aircraft, model aircraft passed since that is the first entry a clearance. Here are some personal experience:
1. The correct treatment model aircraft, the mentality is extremely heavy
Motivation everyone into the mold are not the same, some to round childhood dreams, some to amateur entertainment, but also some in order to exercise, there is to make more friends. As the majority of the Friends said the same mold, model aircraft are not toys, model aircraft activities precisely, is a sport, by HM we can exercise their ability to respond to emergency response and increase the flexibility of the fingers to stimulate the central nervous strengthen operations highly concentrated the attention of those who can, set workout entertainment, relax in order to achieve the purpose. Different from other sports, HM obtain a certain degree of risk, not only hurt themselves, but also may hurt others.
Two, solid theoretical basis to understand the principle of transfer machines
2. Step by step, from the virtual into the real
As the saying goes, haste makes waste! Hover each side must honestly practice. As a friend said the forum as: Analog is king! The economic conditions are not well-off or pipe borne his wife's friends, the simulator is the best entry options. The greatest advantage of using the simulator is not mentally responsible, without limitation venues and transport, money and save time and effort! I use XTR, which has a very good exercise function, surrounded by hovering simulation exercises can be performed separately. From the beginning of the beginning of the tail to hover, hover got 10 minutes and does not blow up in a relatively small area and then into the general flight mode frog jump takeoff and landing practice, this process should be repeated constantly takeoff, landing, I got some time to have a qualitative leap, feeling each exercise ten minutes without bombing, and then aiming machine. Fax machines and simulators to practice the opposite order, first starting from the frog jump, then hover. Personal experience, this approach rarely practice bombing. After hovering tail clearance, practice head, head-to-tail exercise to practice the steps and the same. Exercise also began to rival the real machine from the frog jump, head off, head landed, some friends turned off after the end of the fuselage on the right track, this method is not recommended for individuals. Each side must start from the frog jump honestly, this advantage is quick, but do not panic if the wrong Tuo, a smooth landing on each side, to avoid unnecessary losses. Head and tailclearance, much easier on opposite sides, will soon get started.
3. Overcome difficulties, perseverance
HM and exercise, have a fresh period, tired period. Many of my friends had not practiced fresh of a fly, or even lose confidence. Excellent technology is built up bit by bit by the usual three days fishing, two days drying nets can not train good technology, even stuck in the front end instead of hovering over time has become tasteless, tasteless, gesture. Die faithful usually have busy working, busy studying, busy families, a week, taking a little time to practice is necessary, even if it is practiced simulator, try to participate in group activities, whether Which sport or activity, exercise at the same time , make friends, why should not a lot of exchange is a great pleasure in life?
4. Constantly sum up, enjoy the process
Every flight is very important to summarize, review successful experiences, summarize the lessons of failure in favor of consolidating and improving technology. Life centuries, happy geometry? I fly I'm happy, to enjoy the freedom of flight that is a non-verbal feelings of happiness!
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